
How to Give Feedback to Grow Your Team (and Yourself)

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Online Flash-Course Description

‘I don’t like it when they don’t give me any updates, but I don’t want them to feel like I’m micro-managing them.’

‘I don’t like how they tackled this, but I don’t know how to tell them that.’

‘How do I give them negative feedback without hurting their feelings?’

Familiar? Situations of all sorts where we’d rather avoid telling people around us how we stand, for fear we’d hurt them, or jeopardize the relationship, or demotivate them. We tend to associate feedback with criticism and tend to avoid giving it as much as possible.

In doing that, we, in fact, delay communication from happening when it needs to happen, the result of that being that, when we finally can’t deal with the situation anymore and decide to give our feedback, it’s too late and already irrelevant!

Join me on this online flash-course and learn how to

  • turn feedback into a real communication tool that you can use regularly, in any situation.
  • give positive feedback that grows the others, and yourselves, even further.
  • give the so dreaded negative feedback, without hurting the others’ feelings, and while keeping the relationship healthy!
  • use practical feedback techniques to improve your communication skills

Our relationships can only be as healthy as the food we give them! Feedback should be just that, healthy food for healthy relationships, both professional and personal!

You should attend if

  1. you manage or supervise a team and want to communicate better with everyone, so you build a great team
  2. you work as part of a team and want to improve communication with and /or within the team
  3. you are a business owner who wants to improve the way they give feedback to their clients and / or team
  4. you are afraid of giving negative feedback because you don’t want to hurt the other person’s feelings
  5. you find yourself saying ‘yes’ too often and then feel bad that you couldn’t set your boundaries and respect your own priorities
  6. you find yourself sugarcoating tough situations and then feel worse for not having said it ‘how it was’
  7. you want to build and maintain healthy relationships based on healthy communication

Three things you receive

  1. two feedback techniques you can use anytime and in any situation
  2. course materials
  3. follow-up group support

Start Time

8:00 am

October 25, 2019

Finish Time

9:00 am

October 25, 2019


Toronto, Canada

Event Participants